Refunding Tenants

This article covers approving or rejecting "Withdraw balance" related refunds via the Settlements tab

Refunding inactive tenants

A tenant can be refunded after they are moved out of Cubby via a check sent in the mail. All Refund activity is reflected in tenant’s Notes and Events and shows up in the Dashboard.


Check out this short loom video on:



You can also follow these steps

To refund a tenant, first navigate to the tenant’s inactive lease account (i.e., the Standing will show as Moved out). 

Any Cubby user can request a refund, but only admin level users can approve the refund request. Once in the tenant’s inactive lease account: 

  1. Select Withdraw balance in the top right
  2. Fill in the required information for the refund. Users permissioned to approve or reject requests will review this information
  3. Hit Request withdrawal

The request is sent to users that are permissioned to accept refunds.

Additionally, the tenant’s lease account will now reflect the change - there will be a blue bar at the top of the page to reflect a pending request and the Withdrawal balance button will be grayed out

Only Cubby users permissioned to Refund will be able to see, approve or reject Refund requests. To accept or reject Refund requests: 

  1. Navigate to the Settlements tab
  2. Review all Refund requests. You can sort by Pending, Approved, or Rejected requests.
  3. To reject a request: 
    1. Select Reject
    2. Input your reason for rejecting the request. Users will be able to see your explanation for rejecting the request.
    3. Select Reject. The tenant’s lease account will now reflect that the request has been rejected. 
    4. Users will also have the ability to request the Refund again if they choose to. This will repeat all previous steps.

To approve a request: 
  1. Select Approve
  2. Enter the check number you will be sending to the tenant
  3. Select Approve. The tenant’s lease account will now reflect that the Refund has been approved.

Refunding active tenants

To refund a tenant while they are still renting you can refer to CC & ACH Refunds
If you wish to Refund someone who has used an offline method such as Cash or Check, please refer to the Mark Payment as Failed article.