CC & ACH Refunds

Discover how to issue CC and ACH refunds on your own directly to customers via the “Refund” feature


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What should we know about the new CC & ACH "Refund" feature?

  • Only available for Credit Card and ACH payments
  • Cannot be used for other payment methods
  • Can be used for a settled or non-settled payment
  • It's not the same as the "Refund" feature used to Refund security deposits
  • Used to immediately refund the full amount of the payment to the tenant

What will happen when you use this feature?

  • Refund will be immediately issued electronically to the Card / ACH network.
  • You will receive a success confirmation and the original transaction will be marked as refunded 
  • A new refund transaction will be automatically created in our system
  • The customer can see the effect in their own account after a few or several business days depending on network processing times
  • The lease(s) which were affected by the refunded payment will see a DEBIT in the amount of the refunded payment
  • The lease(s) will have their paid-through dates modified, potentially resulting in automatically computed late-fees
  • The original payment will show as "Payment was refunded."
  • A new refund transaction with its own unique ID will be created in the system.


Can a CC & ACH Refund fail? Yes, but don't worry.

  • In a very rare situation a CC or ACH refund can fail due to external to the Cubby system factors such as card or ach network issues, insufficient funds in your merchant account, payment service provider error, etc.
  • IF a Refund fails don't worry. This is what will happen:
    • The original refund transaction will be be shown as "Refund request failed."
    • The reason for the failure received from the payment provider will be displayed 
    • The Cubby system will automatically retry the refund until successful (see example below)
    • The retried refund will be a new refund transaction with its own unique ID
    • After the refund succeeds, the logic from the previous paragraph applies