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The Lease and The Tenant Page

Understand the tenant page and lease account

How to understand the Tenant pages 

There are two kinds of Tenant pages in Cubby: 

  • Tenant page
  • Tenant lease account

Tenant page

This is the tenant’s overall page where you can manage following: 

  • Contact information: this is where you can edit the tenant’s name, company name (if necessary), email, and residential address
    • General account: view and manage transactions that happen outside of lease accounts
    • Payment methods: edit your tenant’s credit cards and / or bank accounts on file
      • All payment information is tokenized and not accessible by anyone
      • A tenant can have more than one payment method on file 
      • Adding a payment method does not automatically add the method to the lease account
      • Adding payment will not automatically enroll tenants in Autopay
    • Leases: information on this tenant’s active and inactive rentals. 
      • To manage a particular lease, select Manage (see more information directly below)
      • You can also accept payment for a lease by selecting Pay balance
  • Payment history: high level summary for the tenant’s payments across all leases
    • Expanding the payment history will allow you to see more details on which lease it applied to, details on the payment transaction, download the receipt, and view the invoice
    • You can also Mark a payment as failed (e.g., tenant issued a chargeback) (note, marking payments as failed is a special permission)
  • Notes and Events: the history of a tenant, e.g., if a new lead was created, new lease was created, if a note / comment is added, etc. 


Tenant lease account

This page surfaces everything respective to the lease for a tenant. There are a few ways to navigate here:

  • Rentals tab → Search for / Select the tenant → Select the tenant
  • Units tab → search for / select the unit → Under Rentals (right side), click on the tenant’s name
  • Universal search bar → search for tenant’s name → Select Show Tenant → Select Manage
  • Universal search bar → search for tenant’s unit → Select Show Unit → Under Rentals (right side), click on the tenant’s name

 You can use the lease account to manage the following on a specific rental: 

    • Lease details: adjusting rent for or adding / removing insurance
    • Discounts: add / remove discounts from this lease
    • Gate access: lock / unlock a tenant’s gate access or update their code
    • Documents: manage the documents a tenant owes for this lease (e.g., lease, insurance policy, identify verification)
    • AutoPay: manage a tenant’s AutoPay status
      • You can add a payment method here and it will be reflected on the tenant’s page
      • All payment information is tokenized and not accessible by anyone
      • A tenant can have multiple cards on their page, but only one assigned for AutoPay on the lease
      • If a tenant has multiple leases, you will need to add AutoPay on each lease
      • Turning off AutoPay will remove the card from the lease account, but the card will still remain on the tenant page
    • Lease: manage the tenant’s rental and take actions where necessary
      • Overall status of the lease includes: 
        • Unit number, payment standing, balance due, pre-paid balance and next charge date 
      • Actions you can take from an active lease include: 
        • Pay balance - this can include paying off the current balance or prepaying for future dates
        • Download invoice - downloads a PDF of their latest invoice
        • Copy payment link - copy’s the Cubby payment link to paste into a separate communication to the tenant
        • Send email - send an individual email to the tenant
        • Send SMS - send an individual text to the tenant 
        • Unit transfer - move the tenant out and transfer them to another unit
        • Add / remove overlock - Add or remove an overlock if they are overdue / paid
        • Move out - move the tenant out of the system
      • If the tenant still has outstanding documents, this is also highlighted in blue here
  • Transactions: details on all of the charges and payments for this lease
    • Transactions are reflected by the date, the type, the description, the individual credit / debit and the overall balance after this charge / payment
    • You also have the ability to Add manual charges
    • Users permissioned will be able to waive fees
  • Notes and Events: the history of a lease, e.g. if a new lease was created, if the unit was overlocked, if a note / comment was added, etc.