Marking Units as Unrentable (or Rentable)

Unrentable units will not show up during the unit selection process or on your storefront to rent.

To mark a unit as unrentable or to make it rentable again, simply navigate to the Units tab and search for the unit in mind.

(Note, you can also get to a specific units page by searching for the unit in the universal search bar and selecting Show Unit.)

If making a unit Unrentable:
  1. Under Unit info, select Edit
  2. Uncheck Rentable
  3. Select a reason (e.g., Repairs Required, Cleaning required, etc.) and hit Save. It is optional to add additional notes to your reason.
  4. The unit is now unrentable

If making a unit Rentable:
  1. Under Unit info, select Edit
  2. Check Rentable. Hit Save
  3. The unit is now Rentable again

The full history of making units unrentable / rentable (including the reasons + notes when marking it unrentable) is recorded in the units Notes and Events