Managing the Overlock Status

Learn all of the components to overlocking and how it affects a lease in Cubby.

How to manage overlock status

A tenant’s overlock status in Cubby can be managed from three locations: 

  • The Rentals tab
  • A tenant’s page or lease account
  • The Walkthrough tab

Cubby will automatically suggest actions to Remove overlock or Add overlock based on a tenant’s Standing, Balance, and current Overlock status. This will be determined by your facility’s late fee schedules and threshold configurations.

A few example scenarios can happen:

  • If a tenant was Overlocked but recently paid off their balance, Cubby will suggest you Remove overlock because the tenant is now in good Standing.
  • If a tenant owes a balance but is still within your facility's grace period, their Standing is still okay and Cubby will not suggest you Add overlock. 
  • If a tenant owes a Balance and your facility’s late fee has been charged, their Standing will show overdue and Cubby will suggest you Add overlock. 

While Cubby will make suggestions to Add or Remove overlocks, you still have to perform the actual physical action of adding or removing the overlock from the tenant’s unit. If a tenant has Gate access and your facility has Gate access configured through Cubby (learn more about Gate access in the following section), the tenant’s Overlock status will automatically enable / disable their Gate access. 

To manage Overlocking from the Rentals table:

  1. Navigate to the Rentals table and search for or find the tenant you would like Add or Remove an overlock on
  2. If you are managing overlocking for all overdue tenants, search by Standing. To learn more, visit the overdue tenants section
  3. Select Remove overlock or Add overlock. 
  4. The tenant’s lease will now reflect the change in Overlock status.

To manage Overlocking from the tenant’s page or lease account:

  1. Navigate to the tenant’s page or lease account 
  2. If Cubby has a suggestion to Add or Remove overlock, their lease will include a yellow bar with overlock details and a suggested action. 
  3. Select Add or Remove overlock. The tenant’s lease account will now reflect the updates
    1. Removing the overlock will remove the overlock status and yellow details from the lease
    2. Adding an overlock will overlock the account and update the yellow details on the lease (e.g., when it was overlocked and balance required to remove the overlock)

Example of Remove overlock action from the tenant’s page:

To manage Overlock status when Cubby doesn’t present an automatic suggestion (e.g., a tenant came in and damage the property so you want to overlock their unit until they pay damages):

  1. On the tenant’s lease account, select the three dots
  2. Select Add overlock. The tenant’s lease is now overlocked
  3. This method can also be used to Remove overlocks from a tenant’s lease

To manage Overlocking from the Walkthrough:

  1. Navigate to the Walkthrough tab
  2. If Cubby has a suggestion to Add or Remove overlock, this will be indicated by a blue or red button
  3. To add an overlock, select the Red button. To remove an overlock, select the Blue button.
  4. This will update the tenant’s overlock status on their lease