Managing Tenant Gate Access Codes

Where to find gate access information and how to update.

For tenants that require gate access, when a new lease is created they will automatically be assigned a gate access code. 

If you have your gate access integrated with Cubby, a tenant's access will automatically be disabled as soon as the Overlock action occurs on their lease. When that tenant pays, they will immediately be re-enabled with access.

To manually manage a tenant’s gate access:

  1. Navigate to the tenant’s lease account
  2. Under Gate access, select Manage
  3. To enable or disable a tenant’s gate access, check or uncheck Access code enabled. Select Save
  4. To update their gate access code, enter the new code and select Save. The code must be at least 4 digits.

Note: both of these actions will not automatically notify the tenant of their access or code change. You will need to notify the tenants of this manually.