How to set up text-to-open for your customers

Learn how to set up 'text-to-open' for your customers at your facilities with access control

Intro: What is text-to-open?

Depending on your gate access provider, Cubby offers 'text-to-open' support, where your customers can text a number to open your facility's entry gate.

For your customers who are past due on rent, when they text the number, Cubby will not open the gate and will instead respond with a payment link and note explaining that they need to pay their overdue balance in order to open the gate.

Text-to-open is a unique feature that helps you both...

  1. Provide excellent customer experience for your good-standing customers
  2. Effectively collect on overdue customers at the most opportune time — when they're sitting right outside your front gate! 

Learn more about text-to-open below.


1/3: Setting up text-to-open at your facility

As of May 2024, if you want to offer text-to-open at your facility(ies), please first reach out to with the name of the facility(ies). From there, we'll configure text-to-open on your behalf and respond with confirmation when it's all set up!


2/3: Communicating 'text-to-open' to YOUR customers

As of May 2024, you are fully responsible and in control of any signage that you might want to offer to your customers. Many of our current customers find that simply printing out a small label and taping it to their physical keypad device has been quite effective.

Print out and tape the following on the physical keypad device:

Text OPEN to 555-555-5555*

*Remember to replace 555-555-5555 with the actual text-to-open number that the Cubby team provides you from section 1!


3/3: FAQs

What if my customer is overdue?

  • For your customers who are past due on rent, when they text the number, Cubby will not open the gate and will instead respond with a payment link and note explaining that they need to pay their overdue balance in order to open the gate.

What if a random person (not a renter) texts the number?

  • The gate will not open.
  • In this case, where your text-to-open number is texting by a phone number NOT associated with any active lease at the facility, Cubby will NOT open the gate, and will instead respond with the following message...
    • We couldn’t locate an account associated with your number. If you're a current renter in good standing, enter the facility using your code on the keypad.

      Please call us at ${} at your convenience to update your profile information.