Create and manage a lead

This article outlines the ins and outs of lead creation and ongoing management.

How to create and manage a lead

Leads are created two ways within Cubby’s system:

  • Tenant automatically generated lead
  • Site Manager manually generated lead

This section will focus on the Site Manager generated lead. For more information on a Tenant automatically generated lead, see the How a tenant rents online section.

For a Site Manager to create a new Lead: 

  1. Find the Lead sticky note within the Dashboard or Leads tab. On the Dashboard tab the sticky is located on the left side. On the Leads tab the sticky is located on the right side.

  2. Fill in initial information about the Lead, including their name, notes / information, their interested Pricing group, and contact information. All information can be edited later. For example, you can save the Lead with one Pricing group and later sell them a different one.

  3. Once a Lead is saved, it will populate in the Leads tab. 

A lead can have 3 statuses: 

  • Converted (top left in the example below)- a Lead that converted into a tenant
  • Open (top right in the example below) - Leads that the operation is still pursuing to convert into a tenant
  • Archived (bottom left in the example below)- a Lead that you are no longer pursuing (e.g., they rented with another facility, too much time has passed without a response)

Only open Leads can be edited. To edit an open lead: 

  1. Select the button on the bottom right of the open Lead’s card.

  2. Select whether to Archive the Lead or Edit the information. Edit not only allows you to edit the information shown in the card, but you can also add in more customer information if you have it (e.g.,  date of birth, address, company name, etc.). 

You can create a new lease directly from an existing Lead.

  1. Select Create a lease from the Lead’s card. 

  2. Follow the Lease generation flow.

  3. The lease generation will automatically populate the lead as an existing customer - edit / add their customer information as needed. 

  4. Once the lease generation process is complete, the Lead’s status will change to Converted.