Create a new lease in Cubby

This article will outline how to create a new lease. The use case for this is either a phone call or walk-in looking to lease a unit at your facility.

How to create a new lease in Cubby

New leases can be started from the following places within Cubby

  • Dashboard tab → New lease 
  • Dashboard tab → New lead (see Lead section)
  • Units tab → Vacant Unit → Edit lease → New lease
  • Leads tab → Create lease
  • Rentals tab → New rental

No matter where the lease creation process starts, the Lease creation experience is the same. After selecting New rental, Create lease or New lease (dependent on where you start the new lease from):

  1. Find the Pricing Group based on the features / size the tenant is interested in. You can also search for a specific pricing group using the drop down
  2. Select a unit. Within the Pricing Group, select an individual unit to create a new lease for. The unit will populate one the right side of the screen - once satisfied, hit Next 

Next, input the tenant’s details. Select Save and continue once complete.
  • If this is an existing / previous tenant, you can select their name from the drop down. The tenant’s information will pre-populate.

  • If this is a new tenant, input their information:

Then, input the lease details. Hit Next when complete. If the tenant has a special rate compared to the standard Pricing Group rate, update the rate by selecting Change rate.

Finally, review the lease information. Edit any information necessary. Select Create lease once satisfied. The Lease summary includes an automatic calculation with the amount the tenant owes based on your facility’s settings. 

Once a new lease is created - there are actions you can take direction from the success screen. See below to review the sections on how to: 
    1. Collect payment due
    2. Complete documentation due (sign lease agreement, provide insurance, etc.) 
    3. View the tenant’s lease account