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How to add and manage discounts

Setting up a discount in Cubby is an easy process! To do so, follow the instructions below.


1) Create Your Discount

To start, click on "Settings" in the bottom left of your screen and then on "Discounts".

From there, click "Create discount" in the top right corner and begin your discount set up.


There are currently three types of discounts available for set up.

1) Perpetual - A discount that happens in perpetuity, monthly (e.g. 15% off for Military)

2) Up Front - A discount that takes effect after a certain criteria is met (e.g. pay for 3 months, get 4th month free)

3) Periodic - A discount that runs for a fixed period of time (e.g. 50% off for 2 months)


Within each discount, there are several configurations you can make. For instance, for periodic discounts, you can choose whether or not to have the periodic discount hit immediately, on the first full month or for a future month.


Be sure to configure your discount and review on the "Review" screen before saving. Once done, you've created a discount and should see a screen showing all discounts available.


2) Apply Your Discount to a Pricing Group(s)

Next, in order for the discount to appear for selection (both in Cubby when applying to a new rental or existing rental AND to display on your website), you'll need to apply that discount to the pricing group(s) in question.

To do so, navigate to the Pricing Group tab, click into the Pricing Group you'd like to apply the discount to, hit edit, and select the pricing group before hitting save.


Now you have an eligible discount for tenants to take advantage of!


3) Apply the Discount

Now, when creating a new rental via Cubby, on the 3rd step of the rental workflow (Lease Details), you'll see a dropdown menu to allow for applying an eligible discount.

To add or remove discounts from an EXISTING lease:

  1. Navigate to the tenant’s lease account
  2. Under Discounts, select Manage
  3. Add or remove the relevant discount. The change will apply to the Next charge date.
  4. Note: To add a new discount, first it has to be eligible within that Pricing group. To learn more about managing eligible discounts, visit the following section


To Display a Discount On your Website

This is taken care of in the marketing app. Reach out to support@cubbystorage.com for more info!