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  2. Liens and Auctions

How do I conduct liens and auctions in Cubby?

The lien and auction process can be managed right within Cubby! Below is a short video on how to:
- Configure your lien/auction settings
- Set up an auction date
- Kickoff a lien process and send a lien notice to a tenant
- Monitor the lien process as it progresses
Once approaching the auction date and having the auction happen, Cubby will show a "Settle" option (pictured below). 
This allows you to input what happened (e.g. it sold, it didn't, for how much) and to actually take payment (pictured below). This can be done for an existing tenant or someone who walked in off the street. Settle appears if you've already input that info, but paused on taking the payment.
Lastly, if the auction sold, you can input the details of the auction winner either by selecting an existing tenant or choosing a new one and logging their payment details!