Gathering Completed Lease Documents

In this article, we'll cover how to collect completed lease documentation (lease, insurance and ID) after a new rental has signed up.

How to generate and share lease documents with tenants

Once a new lease has been created in Cubby (via online rental or site manager creation), you can generate the required lease documents for the new tenant to sign. 

You can access Documents from two locations:

  • Directly from a newly created lease by selecting Complete documents.

  • From the tenant’s Lease account by selecting Complete documents in the light blue notice in the top or Manage in the Documents section in the bottom left. The blue notice will keep track of how many documents are still outstanding.

Once in Documents, you can manage the status of your tenant’s documents including generating them, sending them for signature, and approving them. As the site manager, you can track the status of each document with the following:

  • Incomplete - Document generation has not been started, still missing all required information from tenant
  • Missing information - Document generation has been started, still missing some information before it can be signed by tenant
  • Signature needed - Document has complete information and has been generated, now waiting for tenant’s signature
  • Pending approval - The tenant has signed the document, waiting for the site manager’s approval & signature
  • Complete - Document has been signed by both the tenant and the site manager
  • Rejected - Site manager reviewed the document and rejected it. This will require you to delete this document and restart the process.

To generate / finalize documents: 

The site manager can input the required information and share them with the tenant for signature / confirmation. 

  1. Select Prepare document or Submit information, depending on the required document
  2. Review existing information. Information will be pre-populated based on the tenant / lease information. If necessary, update the information and hit Save.
  3. Submit additional details. Each required document will have different requirements, which can be managed during the Template generation process (to link later). 

The document will generate with all pre-populated information; other variables will be blank until the tenant signs the document. For example, the tenant’s signature will not populate until they sign the lease.

If you need to view the document in full screen or print it to review / share it with the tenant, you can use either the Expand (far right) button in the top right corner or the Download (far left) button. If information is incorrect, you can delete the lease using the Trash (middle) button and regenerate the document with the correct information. 

Have the tenant sign the document. There are a few ways to share the document with the tenant for their signature:
  • Send the documents to the tenant for their digital signature. 
    • Copying the tenant portal link: Clicking the copy button will automatically copy the tenant’s unique Tenant portal link. This will allow you to paste the link directly in your method of choosing to the tenant (e.g., SMS, Email, etc.). If using a tablet or additional computer in your facility, you can also copy your tenant’s portal link into a new browser for them to sign there as well.  
    • Emailing the tenant portal link: Clicking the send button will automatically send an email to the tenant with their Tenant portal link. No additional steps required to copy or paste anything.

  • Print and upload the documents for the tenants to physically sign. In the top right corner, you have the option to print the tenant’s lease. You / the tenant can fill in the remaining blank information (e.g., dates) and have the tenant / site manager sign the document. In the bottom left, you can then scan and upload the signed document from your files.

Site manager reviews and approves the document. After the tenant signs the document, the site manager can review the signed document and Approve or Reject it. Approving the document will add the site manager's signature to the document and mark it as Complete. Rejecting the document will require you to delete the document and restart the process. 
  • Note that if the site manager prints and uploads the document instead of signing for e-signature, there is no additional step needed to approve the document.

At any point during this process, the site manager can send the entire Tenant portal for the Tenant to fill in the information themselves. To see what the Tenant sees, view the Tenant section (to attach when complete). The Tenant portal can be sent from a few locations: 

From the Documents manager. This can be sent from the main page, as well as individually from each document. Sending individually from each document will send the entire portal for the tenant to access and submit / sign documents.
    • Copying the tenant portal link: Clicking the copy button will automatically copy the tenant’s unique Tenant portal link. This will allow you to paste the link directly in your method of choosing to the tenant (e.g., SMS, Email, etc.). If using a tablet or additional computer in your facility, you can also copy your tenant’s portal link into a new browser for them to sign there as well.  
    • Emailing the tenant portal link: Clicking the send button will automatically send an email to the tenant with their Tenant portal link. No additional steps required to copy or paste anything.

From the tenant’s Lease account. 
    • Once in the tenant’s lease, select the button in the top right to access the Send email and Send SMS drop downs
    • Select the option to send an email or SMS in the drop down
    • Select the email or SMS template you wish to send directly to the tenant to finish the rental process. For more information on template generation, visit this section. For more information on how to send an email, visit this section.

If you have it set up in Cubby’s Communications, you can also send automatic move-in emails & e-signature requests once a tenant rents a until. Currently, this is an administrative task that Cubby Support will conduct for you. Please reach out to for the Cubby team to configure your Communications settings on your behalf.